Inscryption Wiki - Abilities
Description | (No Description) |
Description | When a card bearing this sigil is played, a Rabbit is created in your hand. A Rabbit is defined as: 0 Power, 1 Health. |
Description | Once a card bearing this sigil is struck, a Bee is created in your hand. A Bee is defined as: 1 Power, 1 Health, Guardian. |
Description | At the end of the owner's turn, a card bearing this sigil will move in the direction inscribed in the sigil. |
Description | When a card bearing this sigil damages another creature, that creature perishes. |
Description | A card bearing this sigil will grow into a more powerful form after 1 turn on the board. |
Description | When a card bearing this sigil is played, a Dam is created on each empty adjacent space. A Dam is defined as: 0 Power, 2 Health. |
Description | When a card bearing this sigil is played, you may search your deck for any card and take it into your hand. |
Description | When an empty space would be struck, a card bearing this sigil will move to that space to receive the strike instead. |
Description | When a card bearing this sigil is played, a copy of it is created in your hand. |
Description | When a card bearing this sigil would be struck, a Tail is created in its place and a card bearing this sigil moves to the right. |
Description | If a creature that you own perishes by combat, a card bearing this sigil in your hand is automatically played in its place. |
Description | When a card bearing this sigil dies, 4 bones are awarded instead of 1. |
Description | A card bearing this sigil submerges itself during its opponent's turn. While submerged, opposing creatures attack its owner directly. |
Description | When a card bearing this sigil perishes, a copy of it is created in your hand. |
Description | Once a card bearing this sigil is struck, the striker is then dealt a single damage point. |
Description | At the end of the owner's turn, a card bearing this sigil will move in the direction inscribed in the sigil. Creatures in the way will be pushed in the same direction. |
Description | When a card bearing this sigil is played, an Ant is created in your hand. |
Description | When an opposing creature is placed opposite to an empty space, a card bearing this sigil will move to that empty space. |
Description | A card bearing this sigil will strike an opponent directly, even if there is a creature opposing it. |
Description | When a card bearing this sigil is sacrificed it does not perish. |
Description | If a creature would attack a card bearing this sigil, it does not. |
Description | A card bearing this sigil is counted as 3 Blood rather than 1 Blood when sacrificed. |
Description | A card bearing this sigil will block an opposing creature bearing the Airborne sigil. |
Description | A card bearing this sigil will strike each opposing space to the left and right of the space across from it. |
Description | A card bearing this sigil will strike each opposing space to the left, right, and center of it. |
Description | When a card bearing this sigil perishes, the creature inside is released in its place. |
Description | (No Description) |
Description | At the end of the owner's turn, a card bearing this sigil will generate 1 Bone. |
Description | When a card bearing this sigil is played, you will receive a random item as long as you have less than 3 items. |
Description | When a card bearing this sigil perishes, the creature opposing it perishes as well. A pelt is created in your hand. |
Description | When a card bearing this sigil is drawn, this sigil is replaced with another sigil at random. |
Description | At the beginning of its owner's turn, a card bearing this sigil will pull small creatures, like Squirrels, into its orbit. |
Description | A card bearing this sigil will strike each opposing space that is occupied by a creature. It will strike directly if no creatures oppose it. |
Description | Creatures adjacent to a card bearing this sigil gain 1 power. |
Description | After attacking, a card bearing this sigil perishes. |
Description | At the end of the owner's turn, a card bearing this sigil will move in the direction inscribed in the sigil and drop a Skeleton in its old space. |
Description | While a card bearing this sigil is on the board, it provides a Green Gem to its owner. |
Description | While a card bearing this sigil is on the board, it provides an Orange Gem to its owner. |
Description | While a card bearing this sigil is on the board, it provides a Blue Gem to its owner. |
Description | Mox cards on the owner's side of the board gain 1 power. |
Description | When a card bearing this sigil perishes, a Ruby Mox is created in its place. |
Description | When a card bearing this sigil is played, you draw cards equal to the amount of Mox cards on your side of the board. |
Description | If a card bearing this sigil's owner controls no Mox cards, a card bearing this sigil perishes. |
Description | While a card bearing this sigil is on the board, it provides a Green, Orange, and Blue gem to its owner. |
Description | When a card bearing this sigil is played, discard your hand then draw a new hand of 4 cards. |
Description | At the end of the owner's turn, a card bearing this sigil will move in the direction inscribed in the sigil and drop a Squirrel in their old space. |
Description | Other creatures within a circuit completed by a card bearing this sigil gain 1 power. |
Description | Empty spaces within a circuit completed by a card bearing this sigil spawn L33pB0ts at the end of the owner's turn. |
Description | Other creatures within a circuit completed by a card bearing this sigil are healed at the end of the owner's turn. |
Description | A card bearing this sigil may complete a circuit, but provides no effect. |
Description | When a card bearing this sigil is played, it provides an Energy Cell to its owner. |
Description | When a card bearing this sigil dies, the creature opposing it, as well as adjacent friendly creatures, are dealt 10 damage. |
Description | You may choose which opposing space a card bearing this sigil strikes. |
Description | The first time a card bearing this sigil would take damage, prevent that damage. |
Description | A card bearing this sigil has increased power. But, if a card bearing this sigil perishes, it is permanently removed from your deck. |
Description | When a card bearing this sigil perishes, its owner chooses a creature to gain the Detonator sigil. |
Description | When a card bearing this sigil perishes, its owner chooses a creature to gain the Brittle sigil. |
Description | When a card bearing this sigil perishes, its owner chooses a creature to gain the Nano Armor sigil. |
Description | When a card bearing this sigil perishes, select a file. Place damage on the scales according to the file's size. |
Description | When a card bearing this sigil perishes the file used to create it is really deleted from your Hard Drive. |
Description | At the beginning of your turn a card bearing this sigil will transform to, or from, Beast mode. |
Description | When a creature moves into the space opposing a card bearing this sigil, they are dealt 1 damage. |
Description | When Gem Vessels on the owner's side of the board die, they Detonate (the creature opposing them, as well as adjacent friendly creatures, are dealt 10 damage). |
Description | When a card bearing this sigil is played, all Gem Vessels on the owners' side of the board gain Nano Armor. |
Description | Once a card bearing this sigil is struck, draw a card from your Empty Vessel pile. |
Description | If a card bearing this sigil is part of a completed circuit, your Energy never depletes. |
Description | When a card bearing this sigil is played, fill all empty spaces with Explode Bots. |
Description | When another creature you own dies, it is returned to life and dies again immediately. |
Description | Pay 1 Energy to set the power of a card bearing this sigil randomly between 1 and 6. |
Description | (No Description) |
Description | Pay 2 Bones to increase the power and health of a card bearing this sigil by 1. |
Description | After a card bearing this sigil is dealt damage, swap its Power and Health. |
Description | Pay 1 Bone to create a Skeleton in your hand. |
Description | Pay 1 Energy to deal 1 damage to the creature across from a card bearing this sigil. |
Description | When a card bearing this sigil is played, a Chime is created on each empty adjacent space. A Chime is defined as: 0 Power, 1 Health. |
Description | The creature opposing a card bearing this sigil gains 1 power. |
Description | Empty spaces within a circuit completed by a card bearing this sigil spawn Gem Vessels at the end of the owner's turn. |
Description | When a card bearing this sigil perishes, a random card is created in your hand. |
Description | When a card bearing this sigil deals damage directly, draw a card for each damage dealt. |
Description | If you have a Blue gem, sacrifice a card bearing this sigil to draw 3 cards. |
Description | Pay 3 Energy to increase the power and health of a card bearing this sigil by 1. |
Description | Pay 2 Bones to heal a card bearing this sigil. |
Description | The creature opposing a card bearing this sigil loses 1 power. |
Description | If a card bearing this sigil is within a circuit, it gains 2 power. |
Description | If a card bearing this sigil is within a circuit when it perishes, a random card is created in your hand. |
Description | If a card bearing this sigil is within a circuit, it will strike each opposing space to the left, right, and center of it. |
Description | Pay 1 Energy to gain 3 Bones. |
Description | When one of your creatures is placed in a space, a card bearing this sigil will move towards them as far as possible. |
Description | A card bearing this sigil submerges itself during its opponent's turn. While submerged, opposing creatures attack its owner directly. |
Description | When a creature bearing this sigil deals damage, it gains 1 health for each damage dealt. |
Description | When a creature bearing this sigil dies, it haunts the space it died in. Creatures played on this space gain its old sigils. |
Description | When a creature bearing this sigil dies, all empty spaces on the board are filled with a Guts card. |
Description | A creature bearing this sigil gains 1 power when you speak 'Bloody Mary' into a connected microphone up to a total of 13 times. |
Description | If a VR headset is connected, a creature bearing this sigil may be played without paying its cost. |
Description | Edaxio is summoned if you control creatures bearing the sigils of Head, Arms, Legs, and Torso of Edaxio. |
Description | Edaxio is summoned if you control creatures bearing the sigils of Head, Arms, Legs, and Torso of Edaxio. |
Description | Edaxio is summoned if you control creatures bearing the sigils of Head, Arms, Legs, and Torso of Edaxio. |
Description | Edaxio is summoned if you control creatures bearing the sigils of Head, Arms, Legs, and Torso of Edaxio. |